Ledger.com/Start® | Ledger Support

Begin your Ledger journey with Ledger.com/Start - the ultimate guide for a secure and efficient device setup, ensuring peace of mind for your digital assets.

Maximizing your cryptocurrency security with Ledger.com/start involves following these best practices:

  • Store your Ledger device securely: Protect your hardware wallet by storing it in a safe, tamper-evident bag, or another secure location.

  • Safeguard your recovery seed: Your recovery seed is the key to your cryptocurrency holdings. Store it safely, offline, and never share it with anyone.

  • Use a strong PIN code: Your PIN code is your first line of defense. Make it strong and unique.

  • Ensure a secure computer: Before connecting your Ledger device, ensure that your computer is free from malware and other potential threats.

Final Thoughts

Ledger.com/start is your first step towards securing your cryptocurrency assets. Ledger hardware wallets provide top-tier security, and the guidance offered on this platform ensures that you can use them to their full potential.

Last updated